
2009 to 2017
Hess Benedict Road before and after AWA tree planting event.
We love looking back at our progress!
AWA was established as a 501 C 3 tax exempt non- profit organization in 2002.
Significant relationships with local government, particularly Washington township where AWA is now a line item in the town budget.

AWA local office established at 32 W Main Street, Waynesboro PA.

Building up
Creating new partnerships with local organizations like Renfrew Institute, local farms and municipalities and created a connection with Waynesboro School District.

Rain Garden
Built a highly visible rain garden at the local farmers market, Paul's Market, to filter the runoff from the parking lot and part of the roadway.

Accomplished significant riparian planting projects at farms and two large landholders along the Antietam Creek in PA.
Planting over 5,000 trees.

Conducted an assessment of the East Branch Antietam Creek, resulting in recommendations to preserve and correct problems in the watershed.

Established and currently maintaining a scientifically rigorous stream monitoring program, in partnership with the Institute, to gather data and use as an educational resource for the community.

Proceeded with plans for a major project of preservation and educational value on WASD property, an outcome of the East Branch assessment.

Adopted a State Forest road - Rattlesnake Road- and maintain an active cleanup of this road throughout the year and a yearly cleanup project.
Participated annually in community outreach events including the Appalachian
Trail Community Festival in June, Waynesboro’s Market Day in October, Renfrew
Institute’s Earth Celebration Day in April and the Blue Ridge Summit Library Ice
Cream Social in July.

Designed and published a brochure for general education on riparian planting in the PA watershed. Established a website, designed and published a brochure about us, AWA and created a display board for use at the public events.

Pinball Wizard
In 2014 President Carl Grove built a Pinball Game that is used to demonstrate ways of keeping
pollution from entering waterways. It is used at these events.

Developed and distributed over 500 pamphlets on the importance of turning in
unused or outdated over the counter and prescription drugs instead of flushing
them or throwing them in the trash. Drugs can be turned in at the Waynesboro
Police Station Lobby or some pharmacies.

With the bat population in danger, AWA is excited to show off our new project building and setting up bat boxes in Antietam Meadows park.
Duck Derbies
With the generous support of community business we held two Duck Derbies to
raise operational funds.

Applied for and received grants for over $200,000. The grants were used
for stream restoration projects, educational materials and a contract with
RETTEW, Inc. to complete a study of the entire West Branch of the Antietam that
reported conditions and made recommendations to correct deficiencies.